Techdirt: New York State appellate court says cell site location records have no expectation of privacy
Also Techdirt: For cops handing out bogus pedestrian tickets, ignorance of the law is the most profitable excuse
Chicago Tribune: Huge security flaws revealed–and tech companies can barely keep up
Truthdig: How the U.S. and the New York Times stifled journalist James Risen
Reason: As Sessions moves against legal weed, Vermont lawmakers approve marijuana bill
Politico: Did Jeff Sessions just increase the odds that Congress will legalize marijuana?
Forbes: Marijuana investors aren’t scared by Sessions change in pot policy
National Review: “Economist’s Say” a lot of things that turn out to be wrong.
HuffPost: Covering your webcam in 2017: the current state of computer security
TheFreeThoughtProject: Elderly veteran accidentally tripped his medical alert system. Cops showed up and killed him.
IB Times: Turning the human mind into computer data: where sci-fi meets reality
Digital Trends: See what happens when you leave the room with Snowden’s new surveillance app
Daily Beast: How George Washington survived America’s worst winter