CNET: Cloudfare’s The new privacy tool that would speed up your internet, too
Business Insider: US seeks end to Supreme Court privacy battle with Microsoft on overseas data
Ars Technica: Trump admin wants to track 14 million U.S. visitors’ social media history
The Times: Privacy fears as Scottish police use spy tools to break into mobile phones
Techdirt: French government looking to copy Germany’s disastrous anti-hate speech laws
TechCrunch: DARPA wants new ideas for autonomous drone swarms
Quartz: Musk and Zuckerberg are fighting over whether we rule technology…or it rules us
ProPublica: John Bolton skewed intelligence, say people who worked for him If John Bolton is right, then Pearl Harbor was perfectly legal
Alternet: Weapons for anyone: Donald Trump and the art of the arms deal
BoingBoing: Watch countless American news anchors mindlessly “report” the same script
Washington Post: Trump may not intend to start a war, but he sure could bumble into one
The Hill: CNN lost its way in struggle to find an audience
Gizmodo: The horrific April Fools’ pranks of the 19th century
Science News: The science behind cancer warnings on coffee is murky at best