Engadget: The company that helps police track cell phones was reportedly hacked
Fair: CNN’s Iran fearmongering would make more sense coming directly from the Pentagon
The Intercept: Gazans have the right to invade Israel, at least if you believe one of Israel’s justification for the Six-Day War
WSWS: Conspiracy emerges to push Julian Assange into British and U.S. hands
Reason: Deputy who failed to engage Parkland shooter gets $104,000 annual pension for life
Techdirt: Congressional members decide it’s time to make assaulting a police officer a federal hate crime
The American Conservative: When UN peacekeeping goes horribly wrong
JAMES BOVARD: Spare me the claims that Gina Haspel will ‘speak truth to power’. Real truth-tellers go to jail.
FEE: The essential difference between liberty-lovers and big-government types is political tolerance
BoingBoing: US Air Force offers $5,000 reward for belt of grenades lost in North Dakota
Where is Isaac Asimov when you need him: The Verge: New Toronto Declaration calls on algorithms to respect human rights