News6: Potential dispensaries in limbo as medical marijuana details still in works
Tulsa World: Open to the public: Medical marijuana working group set for first meeting at Capitol on Wednesday
Oklahoma Watch: Legalizing medical marijuana doesn’t change its status in prisons
Rolling Stone: How to survive America’s kill list
DAVID FRENCH: This shooting should sicken America’s armed citizens
ABC News: Technology’s potential to help or harm ‘almost limitless’, Human Rights Commission warns
Also ABC: Mirror, mirror: How AI is using facial recognition to decipher your personality
Whoa: Hot Air: New York using facial recognition software at bridges, toll roads
Daily Mail: New York schools to begin using facial recognition CCTV cameras
PAT BUCHANAN: Putin’s ‘Evil Empire’? A sad overstatement.
FEE: Five of Hayek’s biggest ideas
Forbes: Let’s be blunt, internet sales taxes are economy-sapping domestic tariffs
Leafly: Healing with the psychonauts: Psychedelic medicine goes mainstream