KFOR: Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy fires director amid bribery investigation
Tulsa World: The only draft of full legislation for medical marijuana removes THC limits, allows smokables. What else would it do?
High Times: Poll: Americans view marijuana as less harmful than tobacco
In New Jersey, 1 in 35 children are diagnosed with autism. That’s a 200% increase since the year 2000. Ed: A few months old, but relevant nonetheless. Something in our environment is causing this, something man-made.
Reason: Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht’s murder-for-hire charges dropped by U.S. attorney
USA Today: “My husband committed suicide when doctors restricted his pain medication”
BoingBoing: Watchdog: UK spies engaged in illegal surveillance from 2001-2012
Buzzfeed: Allegations of sexual abuse and harassment have tripled in jails and prisons across the US Ed: Almost half are committed by prison staff.
The Intercept: Bernie Sanders introduces bill to end cash bail
WSWS: Trump admin deported up to 463 immigrant parents without their children
DAVID FRENCH: The Ninth Circuit shows us how to protect gun rights
Consortium News: The case for stripping former officials of their security clearances