07/30/18 Overnight Links

KFOR: Signature goal reached to put recreational marijuana on November ballot, group says Ed: This is such an exciting moment for liberty in this state.

Tulsa World: Amid questions on legal enforcement of medical marijuana law, top state lawmaker advises to ‘follow the expressed instruction of the voters’

CBS: Previously-undisclosed TSA surveillance program criticized for tracking American citizens

The Intercept: A new broadband network is pitching surveillance enhancements to cops across the country

TAC: Yemen is the most important and most ignored story in the world

GRACY OLMSTEAD: Congress, not Trump’s trade war, is the root of farmers’ woes

Reason: Gun control groups fail to stop distribution of gun-making computer files Ed: The rise of 3D-printed guns and the intransigent defense of our right to print them by Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson has been a glorious drama in the annals of the fight for liberty. To print a gun, the American citizen flexes not only his Second Amendment, but also First Amendment rights. A gun in code is speech, and speech must remain unrestricted if liberty is to thrive.

CNN: Julian Assange’s fate rests on death penalty assurances, Ecuador’s president says

SHELDON RICHMAN: Depopulating Palestine, dehumanizing the Palestinians

Libertarian Institute: Libertarianism in one easy lesson

Author: S. Smith