High Times: Study find marijuana use among Baby Boomer doubled in the past decade
RADLEY BALKO: “Cop of the Year” syndrome
FEE: All taxes undermine prosperity, but personal and income taxes do the most damage
Also FEE: The foreign war on drugs is failing, too
Reason: The TSA’s plastic screening trays are the dirtiest part of the airport
The Intercept: Dear anonymous Trump official, there is no redemption in your cowardly op-ed
NICK GILLESPIE: Anonymous tell-alls in the New York Times are more of a threat to the republic than Trump
DOUG BANDOW: John McCain leaves behind a hawkish void
AIER: The facts about immigration and crime
JUSTIN RAIMONDO: The hi-tech threat
Techdirt: Saudi government outlaws satire; violators to face five-year prison sentences
Astronomy.com: Saturn’s hexagon could be an enormous tower