10/30/18 Overnight Links

RON PAUL: Liberty is still popular

Defense One: The Pentagon is getting more secretive–and it’s hurting national security

Unz: The Yemen war death toll is five times higher than we think

Counterpunch: The Saudi blueprint: Arms sales and assassinations

TAC: The other murderous Gulf monarchy

FEE: Greece, prostitution, and the sad consequences of democratic socialism

Fast Company: Big Brother is being increasingly outsourced to Silicon Valley, says report

Mashable: Police trial of Amazon facial recognition tech doesn’t seem to be going very well

GovTech: Amazon pitches its facial recognition AI to ICE

Gizmodo: Google pledges $25 million for ‘good’ AI, totally isn’t trying to make you forget about that military AI stuff

Filter: Brazil heading for even deadlier drug war after election of president Jair Bolsonaro

Techdirt: Court tells deputy he can’t lie about reasons for a traffic stop and expect to keep his evidence

TruthDig: A glimpse into the US Warfare State abyss

Antiwar.com: US airstrike kills family of five on Syrian border

JUSTIN RAIMONDO: Lightening skies: The case for optimism

High Times: World’s first trial to treat brain cancer with medical cannabis is about to start

Author: S. Smith