Why is Peter Hotez afraid to debate vaccine safety?

Preeminent defender of vaccine orthodoxy, Dr. Peter Hotez, recently had the temerity to respond to a Children’s Health Defense tweet, prompting an avalanche of critical comments. The tweet in question:


Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD: @PeterHotez
And debate what? It’s like debating whether or not smoking causes cancer. Or whether seat belts are safe. There’s nothing to debate. There’s only #Science vs a band of miscreants who monetize the internet, sell fake books, phony autism cures, or those just desperate for relevancy
Children’s Health Defense: @ChildrensHD: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has told you he will debate you anytime and anywhere on #vaccines. But you don’t do it. The science and truth are clearly on RFK, Jr.’s side. #debateRFKJR twitter.com/peterhotez/sta
7:10 AM · Oct 19, 2019.


Not only is the dismissal of vaccine critics as “miscreants” bound to back-fire, so will the blanket denial of any and all vaccine injury. The long thread of comments almost universally condemned Hotez for his cowardly refusal to debate and his exaltation of “Science”, ironically using the term as a crucifix to ward off the mounting criticism of vaccine safety and efficacy.

Why is it so hard for these people to admit that vaccines not only have caused a massive amount of injury and death, but that they aren’t the saviors of civilization that they are touted as? I understand that Hotez’ life’s work is in vaccine technology and innovation, but he comes across as a bad faith actor, incredibly deceitful in discussions concerning vaccine safety. More and more people are calling BS on this kind of blind promotion of vaccine orthodoxy, one that doesn’t allow any criticism at all.

Author: S. Smith