Why did Disney neuter Daredevil?

Daredevil, Marvel’s crowning achievement, has been reduced to a poorly-edited, poor-scripted, epicene soap. Complex characters, emotionally, intellectually, morally, have been reduced to hollow men who cannot be watched. Sloppy editing, retarded filler, and a bloated ensemble of Zoomer actors complete with their brain-rot dialogue, have destroyed the only product of Marvel that can be considered true art. Netflix Daredevil was operatic, something that stirred real emotion, wrestled with moral complexities, and didn’t consider the audience to be content-engorged, stultified, hedonistic human slugs. But that’s apparently where we’re at as a culture. “Content” has shouldered art out of the way entirely, and we’re left with Disney once again wearing the skin-suits of formerly great intellectual properties. It’s a friggin insult, is what it is. It’s a scandal. It’s a bad joke, and Disney is laughing harder at your (my) dumb ass with every new release.

Take a look at the immaculate choreography, and complex dialogue, from pre-Disney Darevil, to fully understand what’s been taken from us.

Gaza will now and forever be a cursed land

The sheer, relentless, inhuman brutality inflicted upon the Palestinian people of Gaza, with the cherry on top being the total erasure of their history there, has forever cursed the land. Opulent plans are in the works for the redevelopment of Gaza, once the remaining Palestinians are relocated, and made into a ghoulish Israeli resort, built upon the bodies of entire families that haven’t yet decomposed. Is this really what Trump wants? If so, we’ve damned ourselves in the same manner as Israel. The difference is that Israel knows it’s damned, and they don’t care. Is this really the work of “Judaism”, or this something more sinister, something that resembles more a total inversion of Christianity, rather than just another Abrahamic religion?

Israel has made a hooligan’s holiday out of this genocide. They revel in the mass death, the anguish and despair they inflicted, and one wonders how any civilized nation not merely allows it, but funds and supports it enthusiastically? Israel’s entire cultural identity has been built upon the murder and terrorization of the Palestinians. The bloodshed of Palestinians will now cease, because there will be no more to kill. This will create a cultural vacuum, that the Jewish state is already seeking to fill. They’ll no longer have a captive population to murder, rape, torture, and terrorize. Their open-air concentration camp is now gone, and so is their fun. Israel’s allies should fear what their newly idle hands will find to occupy their time.

It’s so astonishing what has happened there, almost unbelievable, an entire people snuffed out, culled like animals. And Israel claim a perverse birthright to slaughter, and the ‘why’ always reverts back to World War 2, the Holocaust, and their supposed historical suffering. Because of this, it is implied, they are entitled to reenact their vengeance over and over unto eternity. Why have we tethered ourselves to this cursed nation, why have we allowed ourselves to be made a party to such evil? Israel is damned, and through our unbridled support, in money, weapons, training, and a blind eye, we too are damned. And Gaza is cursed forever. A crime of this magnitude creates a stain that can never be removed. Whatever God is watching, is surely judging, and we have only to wait for the inevitable retribution. There won’t be forgiveness.


We’re about to bear witness to unimaginable levels of political violence

A few weeks ago, Infowars reporter Jamie White was murdered outside his home in a supposed “burglary gone wrong”. Since then, high-profile conservative commentators have been “swatted” via phony 911 calls, and have been dragged out of their homes by their local police force responding to these calls. Tesla dealerships are being set on fire, drivers of Teslas attacked or have seen their cars attacked or damaged. Anti-Trump/Elon activists are ramping up their calls to violence, and the FBI and DOJ appear to be doing nothing at all. Pam Bondi appears to have plenty of time for television interviews, and prosecution of anti-Israel activism, but none for a clear pattern of political violence that is increasing in temperature. The lack of immediate action is emboldening the Left, who are using the template of Luigi Mangione (the man who murdered the United Health CEO in a psychopathically-calm hit on the streets of NYC) as justification for a domestic jihad against their political enemies.

Someone within the next few weeks will die in a hail of gunfire resulting from a phony swatting incident. A Tesla driver will probably be murdered in their car. Families of Trump allies will probably be targeted as well, and Elon will experience an attempt on his life before something is done. The Left, who have no argument to counter the ascendant Right, are descending into a coordinated neo-primitive campaign of terroristic violence. Major media figures appear to be egging it on, giving their silent consent and approval to these violent reprisals. The sheer seething hatred of Trump and anyone who voices their support of him is boiling over. Once the violence is normalized, expect far more of it. The Left, the Democratic Party, appear to be the only political force attracting brain-rotted, Cluster B individuals en masse. The once-gathered army of Luigis need only be pointed in the right direction to unleash the violence that forms the core of who they are. The law-abiding have no real way to respond, aside from accepting the fact that they are a target, and hardening their minds to the fact that they may need to defend themselves.


Syria is now a failed state

Graphic footage of men, women, and children being butchered by the CIA-funded human animals in Syria are now floating around the webosphere. This outcome has been predicted the moment our government involved itself in the Syrian “civil war”, which has been an astroturfed effort to topple Bashar Al-Assad, a goal finally realized last year when he fled his kingdom for safe haven in Russia with his family. Syria, a true cradle of civilization, has been checked off the list that also contained Saddam, Ghaddafi, and others. Syria is now ruled by extremist terrorists cruising around in Toyota pickups

The Middle East was better off with Saddam, Ghaddafi, and Assad. In an alternate universe, I can easily picture Trump sitting at a table in the White House with all three, shaking hands and smiling, and working to keep their respective nations stable, albeit imperfect. We call them dictators, but they were royalty. And despite their imperfections, they kept their nations intact, and kept the terrorist punks in line. Kingdoms are grown over centuries, but once wiped out, almost never reappear. Royalty requires deep roots, and decades or centuries of growth, but the United States, in its ignorant zeal to see would-be enemies cut down like ignorant, greed-blinded loggers felling Sequoias, extinguished these exquisite and effective monarchies. Societal wildfires now burn unhindered in these nations, and now only the strongest and most brutal of dictators would have a chance at reclaiming these nations. Which means it probably will never happen.

Romania arrests, bans nationalist Presidential front-runner from ballot

Calin Georgescu, Romanian politician, populist, nationalist, and inoperable hemorrhoid in the arse of the neoliberal, globalist elite who puppeteer that Eastern European nation, has been kicked off the Presidential ballot by a corrupt judge. This comes shortly after he was arrested on the streets of Bucharest for trumped up charges surrounding his campaign. Romania cancelled the Presidential election in December, citing vague “Russian interference” as the reason, but we all know the real reason: a populist, nationalist candidate was set to win their highest office. Romania is a NATO member, also a member of the European Union, and both organizations appear desperate to stamp out populist uprisings lest they work to reign in the neoliberal designs for their respective nations. How much longer can this go on without igniting a full-blown revolution in these nations? Democracy means nothing to these elites, something they only pay lip service to, and only when the electoral outcome goes in their favor. Open borders, open economy, a pre-packaged IKEA puppet government is apparently the only one the people are allowed to vote for.

Ian Carroll on Rogan

Great conversation between researcher Ian Carroll and Rogan. So many memory-holed topics covered. We’re reaching critical mass in the red-pill awakening in regards to our “greatest ally” Israel.

Pam Bondi risks taking the Trump honeymoon into divorce proceedings

Pam Bondi is far and away the worst Trump pick on his Golden Age agenda, and I’m beginning to think it’s finally dawning on him. She’s been terrible so far, but it’s her flippant lies surrounding the release of the Epstein documents that reveals her character. Initially she said the docs were on her desk. Then she masterminded the retarded PR “Epstein binders” release, where B-list influencers were seen on Capitol hill holding up the silly folders that revealed nothing new. Then she said that a “truckload” of Epstein documents were delivered to her last Friday. Really, a truck brought them? Pics of the truck, maybe? No? The truck doesn’t exist, and she knows it. So…why lie about it? Offhand, casual lies like this cause eyebrows to raise, at best. At worst, the engender a total lack of faith in the person spouting them. Bondi is not merely just a non-MAGA attorney who weaseled her way into power, she is totally classless, and has no being in the position of AG. She’ll derail the Golden Age that Trump and his true believers are desperately attempting to enact while the iron is still hot. But this bimbo threatens the superstructure itself, she’s the weak link that will topple the entire movement.

My prediction is that she’ll be forced out, only to write a dumbass “tell-all” about her time as AG. Once scorned, she’ll passive aggressively work to undermine Trump in nefarious ways up until that moment, and even after.

The best video on the JFK assassination currently on the internet

JFK researchers long ago burned me out with their “the CIA did it!, and…and…Lyndon Johnson was in on it too!” But the facts surrounding the assassination go far deeper than I ever realized, thanks to Corey Hughes’ appearance on Jake Shields podcast. It’s got everything: Oswald body doubles, Purim rituals on the grassy knoll, the Israeli connection, the unknown history of the Jewish mob in America, and much more.