ExpressUK: Battlefield soldiers to get Alexa-style assistant that will tell them who to kill
Engadget: Twitter: Banning world leaders would ‘hide important information’
Observer: Pentagon numbers on troops contradicted by new report 76 countries are now involved in Washington’s ‘War on Terror’
Target Liberty: Libertarian of the Year. Ed: Good choice. Vance has quietly written hundreds of fact-filled libertarian essays, applying the philosophy of liberty to just about every aspect of political and social life.
Fox News: Trump backs Rand Paul’s plan to fund infrastructure with suspended aid to Pakistan
RealClearScience: Why vaping isn’t a ‘gateway’ to smoking
Real questions from Forbes: How did the matter in the universe arise from nothing?
Nautilus: Newton’s ‘spinning buckets’ still troubles physicists
Motherboard: Who the hell is this “crypto-genius”?