06/12/18 Morning Links

CBS News: Israel uses data, algorithms to predict, prevent, 200 Palestinian attacks Ed: And here is the true way that governments will use facial recognition and data tech: the suppression of undesirable groups of people.  In Israel’s case, it’s the inhabitants of the biggest concentration camp in the world, consisting of over one million Palestinian Arabs. And now the state of Israel is carrying out some strange historical/ethnic revenge against the Arab world with the use of sophisticated surveillance-data-tech aimed at Palestinians.  When they aren’t murdering protesters and medics, of course. Should we care? Yes, due to the fact that $3 billion and handed out to Israel every year.  Not to mention the blind eye the US turns to Israeli atrocities, which is probably worth quite a bit more.

Techdirt: Australian cops say their unreliable drug dogs will decide who gets to attend music festivals Ed: Drug dogs, with a 74% failure rate at detecting drugs, are nothing more than “probable cause on four legs”.

Reason: Lindsay Graham says only possible outcomes from Trump-Kim talks are ‘peace or war’. He’s wrong. Ed: The presence of nuclear weapons are the only reason North Korea hasn’t been invaded and overthrown. It would be suicidal for Kim to give them up.

DAVID HARSANYI: Free trade already puts America first

Motherboard: Facebook says its competitors are the whole internet, because Facebook itself has replaced the internet for many people

Author: S. Smith