03/05/18 Morning Links

Just Security: New ruling shows how few options there are for intelligence community whistleblowers

American Spectator: Auto Cop: “We count on a human cop not being around to hassle (and mulct) us for scoffing such laws — and on the cop’s discretion if he is around. On being able to appeal to his sense or his humanity and hope he will ignore the law we both know is idiotic, even if that can’t be openly said or admitted to.

Auto Cop isn’t programmed to cut slack. He — it — simply records the “violation” and issues the citation.”

OC Register: How Silicon Valley went from “don’t be evil” to doing evil

NBC News: The FBI’s secret warrant to surveil Carter Page should scare all Americans and spur reform

RealClearPolicy: Data breaches pose new threat to juveniles

Sputnik: Norwegians stupefied by secret surveillance scandal featuring the US

Hartford Constant: Veterans with PTSD, less-than-honorable discharge allege bias from Navy

National Review: Congress gave away the power to level tariffs to the office of the President

Ars Technica: Why the roots of patent trolling may be in the patent office

American Thinker: Time for the new Untouchables

High Times: 13-year old denied life-saving treatment because he used CBD oil

Author: S. Smith