Overnight Links

Slate: How cities are reining in out-of-control policing tech

TechSpot: Google employees are reportedly quitting over Pentagon drone partnership

Bloomberg: Facebook faulted by judge for “troubling theme” in privacy case

GovTech: Crowdsourcing surveillance? Newark, New Jersey’s new policing program raises concerns

Quartz: An Australian regulator is investigating whether Google is spying on the country’s Android users

Boing Boing: London cops are using an unregulated, 98% inaccurate facial recognition tech

EFF: Victory in Alasaad for our digital privacy at the border

CNN: Supreme Court upholds privacy rights for unauthorized rental car drivers in search and seizure case

ACLU: Hollywood offers ominous visions of facial recognition’s future

Washington Post: Illinois police: Keep pot illegal or we’ll kill our dogs

Truthdig: The Pentagon can’t account for $21 trillion (That’s not a typo)

McClatchyDC: Judge wants to know who’s spying on Guantanamo defense attorneys

DAVID FRENCH: Of course America’s too big to govern

JUSTIN RAIMONDO: Kim Jong Un: The commie who came in from the cold

The American Conservative: Was there ever even an Iranian nuclear program?

New York Times: Surest way to face marijuana charges in New York: be black or Hispanic

OC Register: Training kills more troops than war. What can be done?

High Times: British medical journal advocates for decriminalizing all drugs

OregonLive: First, marijuana. Are magic mushrooms next?

Gizmodo: Thousands of gamers help to prove Einstein wrong

Author: S. Smith