06/03/18 Rare Midday Links

Telegraph UK: Edward Snowden’s lawyer warns of ‘databases of ruin’ as Big Tech ousts Big Brother in surveillance debate

Politico: How a hacker proved cops used a secret government phone tracker to find him

WhichUK: Investigation uncovers ‘staggering’ levels of smart home surveillance

Epoch Times: DOJ uncovered misuse of counterintelligence data by FBI in 2016

The Intercept: Reality Winner has been in jail for a year. Her prosecution is unfair and unprecedented.

NewsOK: Oklahoma’s medical marijuana law would be unique

Independent: The UK is the largest exporter of medical marijuana, now we just need to decriminalize it completely

CATO: Beyond mass incarceration

Antiwar.com: Israeli troops kill 21-year old Palestinian medic on Gaza border Ed: Stories of atrocities committed by Saudi Arabia and Israel are conveniently buried by mainstream news outlets, but American citizens should be made aware of them, because the future killers of American citizens are paying strict attention, not only to the violence, but the nation making that violence possible.

Chicago Tribune: The astonishing silliness of CNN

Author: S. Smith