What we stand for

The number of clicks that this blog receives immediately upon publishing a post continues to amaze me. It’s gone up steadily over the past few weeks, as has the daily readership.  This is very flattering, but also makes me feel a bit guilty, as I haven’t been as consistent as I would like in posting. This will change.  To those who’ve signed up for Republic Reborn updates via email, I greatly appreciate it. To be honest I didn’t realize that was a thing, but now that I look at the home page more closely, yep, there it is.

Now. This blog exists purely to advance the ideal of liberty in a manner that’s both philosophical and practical, for the explicit purpose of realizing liberty within our lifetimes, and that of our children.  I for one would feel ashamed delivering my children into the maw a such a corrupt, debt-ridden monster, as currently holds power over our lives and paychecks, without some kind of protest. I do not accept that I exist for the sake of the State, I do not accept that endless war, total surveillance, and the rapid march into a prison society is my children’s fate.  Government, if it is to exist at all, exists to serve and protect my liberty.  Ours no longer does, and has forfeited any legitimacy remaining to it.  So change must happen, and that can only happen when we resolve to lend our one small voice to others, and refuse to believe that the battle for liberty is hopeless.

It is possible to successfully oppose an authoritarian government, and no more perfect example can be pointed to than in the recent unseating of the authoritarian state senator Ervin Yen from Oklahoma’s District 40 by a highly organized and targeted campaign led by Liza Greve and her activist group, Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice.  To put it simply, Greve and her inspired, relentless group of ‘Mama Bears’ formed like Voltron in Yen’s district, and, with a rare relentlessness, unceremoniously booted him from said district and out of the lives of Oklahomans, defeating virtually the entire Medical Establishment that had backed Yen’s variety of medical tyranny.

The passage of State Question 788, legalizing medical marijuana, was also a right hook to the entire Political Establishment by the people who’ve paid the bills and borne the brunt of every failed social program, an establishment which has a major financial and power stake in the continued prohibition of marijuana.

We stand for liberty.  We will not be satisfied with a mere defense of current liberties; we will actively work to remove government chains from all other, long-lost, liberties.  The chains will then be placed back on government, more securely this time.  We stand for nothing less than the expansion of choice to every corner of voluntary human conduct.  We seek to give our children a world with greater liberty, not less. Tyranny, war, the diminishment of choice in every aspect of life, a total, all-encompassing Surveillance State that monitors and catalogues our every movement, is only inevitable if we believe it to be so.

We are the shield between future generations and the State. We will not continue to have our rights trampled, our wallets looted, our money debased, while the State seeks to replace us as the parent to our children. That is clearly what is at stake, and should be seen as our primary duty. We must put our hand on the plow and not look back.

Author: S. Smith