Tulsi Gabbard smeared by pro-war Establishment for intransigent anti-war position

The smear campaign currently ramping up against Tulsi Gabbard mirrors almost exactly that of the one against Trump, with baseless accusations of anti-Semitism, being a puppet of Putin and Syria’s Assad, supporter of terrorism, etc. For a representative taste of this attitude, see New York Time’s Bari Weiss on Joe Rogan. Weiss here appears extremely inarticulate, uninformed, and vicious, as she fails to defend her claim that Tulsi Gabbard is “monsterous”, and is the “motherlode of bad ideas”:

Weiss’ flustered attitude to Rogan’s polite, soft-ball questioning of her claims that Tulsi is monsterous is evidence of the bubble that these propaganda churners live in. Weiss in all probability has never been challenged to her face for any of her positions. As Jimmy Dore says, mockingly, : “When I go back to the New York Times I just say ‘Assad Toadie’ and everyone pats me on the head!” The elite propagandists that have been pushing endless war for the past two decades live in this same bubble. They have access to the mainstream media outlets, and even these outlets have been peppering their staff with “ex” intelligence analysts, sure to give the respectable sheen to any military action abroad.

For more info on that last fact, see this piece in Politico from about a year ago: The Spies Who Came in to the TV Studio

Author: S. Smith