Barnacles of Empire keep missing their window to instigate a new war

First it was Venezuela, and the war propaganda flowed fast and hot. Despite the disinformation blitzkrieg, the Political Class didn’t get the desired conflict. In hindsight, they probably realize their mistakes, chief among them being the choice of the wrong puppet to throw their weight behind, as Juan Guaido appeared to be an imbecile in every sense of the word, one that Maduro couldn’t bring himself to take seriously. He alternately laughed and ignored Guaido, seeing him for what he was: the useful idiot of a foreign power. And when was the last time we’ve heard about Guaido, or Maduro, or Venezuela?

Iran is now in the crosshairs, and the pedigreed and medalled filth that comprise the intellectual bodyguard of perpetual war have brought both countries to the brink. Iran shoots down a US spy drone, so the Political Class applies the pressure on Trump to retaliate. And it almost happened, but Trump couldn’t bring himself to go through with the dirty deed, which would have entailed the murder of over 150 Iranians. In an act of political calculation, and hopefully humanitarianism, he called off an attack just before it happened. His ostensible reasoning was that killing hundreds of Iranians over the shoot-down of an unmanned aircraft would have been disproportionate. I’m sure he also didn’t want the name of TRUMP scrawled across that particular Pandora’s Box, either.  The fallout of a conflict with Iran would dwarf every previous US-instigated conflict in the region. Not only would the price tag be unimaginable, but it could very well incite world war. Even Trump isn’t that reckless.

The continuous, slimy push for war emanating from every hall of power is shameful, and every American should be ashamed that we have allowed such thugs to gain control of our foreign policy. Our government has become the mother of modern thug states, as well. A war with Iran would serve the interests of Saudi and Israeli thugs, not the interests of the people that will pay for the war with their lives and checkbooks. American citizens, always the human shield of the Political Class, will be forced to pick up the tab. A war with Iran would be paid for by our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, in taxes, debt, and worthless currency.

The cost of such a war never enters the equation: how are we going to pay for it? The professional liars that receive prime time slots on corporate media and push for war, thugs in every sense of the word, won’t address the question. And the servile propaganda couriers won’t ask.

Author: S. Smith