What’s become of the measles epidemic?

The measles crisis hasn’t made an appearance in the news in awhile, I wonder why that is? Rockland County, New York, ground zero for hyperbolic measles fear-mongering, recently called off its hysterical, months-long state of emergency with barely a mention, why could that be? Could it be because every single measles case there has resolved itself? Measles is a self-limiting infection, lasting less than a week. Surely the health officials there are kicking themselves for scaring everyone half to death over such a mild infection now that they see that it was all for naught. But I’m sure it boosted sales of the MMR vaccine at just the right moment, and gave irresponsible, corporate media outlets a chance to run irresponsible headlines.

So every other case of the measles in the country has either cleared up or is in the process. And all those that caught the infection are now immune from future measles infections for life. Yet this fact will not be reported by any of the outlets that fanned the flames of measles hysteria, outlets that recklessly reported measles as “deadly”. News outlets that were panting for a measles death, a death that they could then trumpet to the heavens as proof positive that the dreaded anti-vaxxers are a danger to society.

The cacophony of measles hysterics also appears to have reached its peak towards the tail end of state legislative sessions, suspiciously so. Just when state legislatures were considering vaccine mandates, a threat blamed on the lack of vaccine mandates conveniently made an appearance, and the myriad corporate outlets made sure to inflate the threat beyond all belief, thereby using a fear-induced momentum to force the mandates into law. As the legislative sessions ended, so did the measles coverage.

Author: S. Smith