Seattle Children’s Hospital tried to keep a lid on the fact that its operating rooms were infested with deadly mold

The mold, Aspergillus, has killed one person, who I assume was a child since it’s a children’s hospital, and sickened five more. The outrageous fact that should receive blanket coverage is that the hospital kept the presence of the deadly mold a secret, and continued to use the operating room. It’s unbelievable, yet how many hospitals across the country also contain a deadly fungi of some stripe, and are keeping quiet about it?

Two Pittsburgh hospitals have seen 5 deaths from mold between 2014 and 2017, and the public only found out about it through a wrongful death lawsuit. Unbelievable. Beyond outrageous. The five deceased had been transplant recipients, and were particularly susceptible to the infection, yet it looks like each hospital continued operating even though they knew the mold was there. The patients, and their families, did not.

Author: S. Smith