Greta Thunberg’s passion deserves a worthier cause

16-year old Greta Thunberg gave an impassioned speech at the UN regarding climate change. It was indeed powerful, she has the gift of oratory. But her fire was misplaced. Instead of aiming her rage at real crimes against humanity, she focused on theoretical happenings far down the road. She excoriated her audience: “You stole my future!” No, they didn’t. The peaceful workings of the market, however hampered it may be, have gifted the present world with a far higher standard of living, and far more potential to “save the planet” than would be possible if the market were straight-jacketed in the way that climate catastrophists deem necessary. Far more people are fed and clothed because of a process that Greta’s handlers would gladly see bent to their will, and crippled in the process.

Many pointed out the hypocrisy of her suing France for carbon emissions, but not China. She sailed across the ocean, only for professionals to be flown in after the fact in order to pilot her vessel back.

The broad-daylight genocide in Yemen deserves her rage, the destruction of the Mideast, the entirely avoidable escalation to war with Iran. The very real, very global grip of pharmaceutical and tech companies. The real crimes of the day deserve that rage.

I imagine that Greta’s handlers are not the type that would take kindly to a swivel to issues other than the woolly “climate change” fears. “Climate change” is nice and vague, and any public policy can be contorted to seem as if it is advancing the goals of the teenage climate activists. These activists are being used as pawns in a larger game. They’re being used for their ability to retain the moral high ground in a campaign to advance the ends of people who do not hold their values.

Author: S. Smith