Why is the safety of vaccines, of all consumer products used on children, uniquely ignored?

The Facebook page, Your Baby, Your Way, has a thoughtful post regarding the bizarre way in which vaccine safety is uniquely disregarded:

🤒 A pharmaceutical product hurts a baby, a toddler, or a teen.

💊 If it were an antibiotic or blood thinner or some other medication that caused the _________ (brain damage, seizures, high fevers, balance issues, loss of speech, encephalitis, encephalopathy), the whole country would be furious and concerned.

📰 Reporters would investigate. Lawmakers would create a safety task force. People on social media and news analysts would discuss how to hold the company that manufactured the med responsible for hurting children and misleading the public.

💉But when it’s a VACCINE—or a combination of vaccines—that cause the harm, what happens? People get angry at the PARENTS. Google censors websites that talk about vaccine safety. The media is silent except to promote more vaccines. And furious parents blame “anti vaxxers” for POTENTIALLY harming people.

💻 Let’s summarize: Your child dies from a vaccine reaction. You post about it. People share the post. Others get furious at the people sharing **NOT** because your child died but because telling parents your child died is “putting other children at risk.”

📞 Ground control to Major Tom: 🚨.

Raise your hand if you think we have a problem.”

This is very important. Severe vaccine injuries occur on a regular basis yet few acknowledge the fact. The injured sometimes take their case to vaccine court, but many do not. No attempt has ever been made to reliably test the safety of vaccines, or to standardize the collection of injury data. The 2006 Harvard Pilgrim study that was designed to update VAERS and create a reliable vaccine injury database, was abandoned. Although abandoned, it did find that 2.6% of those studied reported a vaccine adverse reaction. That’s a 2.6% injury rate that is not discussed in polite society. Every other consumer product is held under a microscope and endlessly scrutinized for signs of harm. Vaccines are not. This, despite over $4 billion paid out to the vaccine-injured over the past forty years, $200 million in 2019 alone. Aren’t most people curious about the nature of the injuries? How can a flu shot induce Guillain-Barre syndrome after just one injection? Almost every vaccine injury is autoimmune in nature, wouldn’t most people want to know what that is? Why does the body begin attacking itself shortly after receiving a vaccine?

Rather than question vaccine safety, those who do question it are attacked and marginalized.

Author: S. Smith