9/18/19 News/Opinion Feed
Dr. Meryl Nass: Why are legislatures imposing vaccine mandates now?
PHILIP GIRALDI: Israel spies and spies and spies
The Intercept: Saudi First: Trump wants to start Iran war if MSB gives the order
Constitution Day 2019: The hidden domestic surveillance crisis
Activist Post: Cops sic K-9 on sleeping man, ripping his arm to shreds Ed: Take this weapon away from cops, instead give them drug/bomb-sniffing rats, which have a far higher accuracy rate, and won’t maul an unresisting suspect at the cop’s behest.
National Review: California’s ban on school suspensions invites another Parkland
DANIEL LARISON: A completely avoidable crisis with Iran
RON PAUL LIBERTY REPORT: No one believes Iran attacked Saudi Arabia:
Popular Mechanics: The Navy says those UFO videos are real