Let’s strive to emulate the courage of Julian Assange

The blinding courage of Julian Assange is difficult to take stock of, as there is so little of it existing in the world at present. His intransigence in the face of the most powerful governments to have ever pillaged and murdered is awe-inspiring in a way that few other contemporaries are. Broadcasting the crimes of a soulless Political Class that has grown too comfortable in its own murderous, parasitic filth, he has stood athwart of the forces that have pushed endless war, propaganda, total surveillance, and soaked up an ocean of newly printed money. This class of criminals who exist off the backs of every single individual who goes to work at a real job every day, this agglomeration of parasites was wounded by the actions of Assange, and so they effectively marked him for death, but have sought to draw out his death as an example for other would-be truth-tellers.

It truly is a so-motion execution, as was apparent at his court hearing, where Assange struggled to recall his name and age to the judge, who refused his request for a delay to his extradition hearing. His uniquely barbaric treatment apparently features psychological torture, the attempt to irreparably break his mind, so that if he does eventually breathe the free air again, he will never again be the same person. People like Assange are the reason the First Amendment exists, they are the reason we’ve enshrined free speech as an absolute right, because historically it has been the habit of governments to jail or kill their most effective critics.

Despite the West’s best efforts, Assange’s jailing and torture is making a martyr out of him. A martyr for free speech and transparency in the face of rampant censorship and secrecy.

Author: S. Smith