Clusters of SIDS deaths point to a man-made cause

8 babies died in their sleep over a period of five months on the Treasure Coast, five of which happened in St. Lucie county.

This can’t be swept away, or ignored any longer.  We are experiencing the effects of man-made disease, the end result the Medical Class’ obsession with chemical-laden interventions into the lives of otherwise perfectly healthy children. I realize that criticism of healthcare providers is taboo, despite the fact that their blunderings lead to the avoidable deaths of upwards of 250,000 Americans each year.  What if there are other, more insidious blunderings occurring out of sight, pointedly avoided for fear of what might be found? And what will that turning of a blind eye result in?

A V of black swans is just over the horizon, headed our way. And there is no one to blame but ourselves We’ve welcomed them, creating a perfect habit for their existence.

Author: S. Smith