Terrorist whack-a-mole is a game that the Warfare State wants to play forever

Baghdadi’s successor has already been found, and killed, according to several sources.

Of course, it didn’t give the American populace enough time to develop a hatred of him, and so their was none of the catharsis that many Americans visibly displayed upon hearing of Baghdadi’s death. The question is, how long are we going to allow this game to continue? Our military can play this game forever, as some new “militant” pops up, the US sends in a hit squad, kills him and everyone in the vicinity, and the nation cheers. It’s a grim national pastime that we’ve developed here. It’s barbarism wrapped up in Ol’ Glory, stripping the flag and the other relics of a long-dead Republic of any meaning whatsoever as they’re trotted out among the cameras after each new military atrocity, to thunderous applause.

Author: S. Smith