14-year old girl suffers 300 seizures in 18 months following Gardasil jab

If any other consumer product were inducing severe seizures, or paralysis, or life-long autoimmune disorders, or brain damage that results in autism, society would recoil in horror and the product would be immediately withdrawn. But because the product in question happens to be a vaccine, these tragic injuries are denied, ignored.  Every hall of power turns a blind eye to this plague of man-made, vaccine-induced disease in order to protect the institution of vaccination. A suppression of criticism and denial of the obvious is the only thing holding it together, which means that it is going to shortly come crashing down. And we will then have a front-row seat to the disintegration of one of the most widespread modern religions of our age.

Here is the story of 14-year old Ashlyn Brill, who has become another invisible casualty of this poisonous religion.

Author: S. Smith