Bill Gates has big plans for the post-pandemic world order

While the middle and lower classes of the West slowly submerge in an economic quicksand entirely the creation of the upper classes for whom “lock-down” has little to no meaning, the super-rich are busy hatching plans for a complete overhaul of the political/medical/regulatory landscape once the outbreak of panic subsides. Bill Gates is just such a person, and has not coincidentally featured prominently in the current COVID-19 manufactured panic. His particular obsession has been vaccines, specifically a global vaccine program. He also has a desire to force everyone to accept a vaccine “tattoo” that would be used as proof of vaccination. During the present crisis, Gates has not missed an opportunity to promote another pet project: a national tracking system of infected persons.

 Gates has repeatedly called for a nationwide shutdown to slow the spread of COVID-19, believing that “state-by-state” shutdowns won’t work.

He of course doesn’t take into account the tidal wave of unemployment that will result, and the many thousands of “deaths of despair” that will ensue. He’s obsessed with infectious disease prevention, and like any person so obsessed, he’s willing to sacrifice anything to satisfy it. The present pandemic provides the perfect environment for Gates to realize his dream of a global vaccination program tied to a global digital ID. That’s where ID2020 comes in, the digital biometric ID that contains an individual’s most personal information.

This probably isn’t about money for Gates, whose fortune exceeds $90 billion. It is of course an obsession, an ideological infatuation that he clings to. What drives it? I imagine that what the person for whom money is no object really wants is to be liked. Gates wants to be liked by the global network of elite parasites that attach themselves to his wealth, he needs their approval, praise, worship. He probably wants to be immortalized as some significant historical figure, and the realization of some bizarre, idiosyncratic, yet always authoritarian, goal, he feels would ensure his place.

Author: S. Smith