Weren’t millions of COVID-19 deaths supposed to have occurred by now?

The global death toll of the phantom illness currently sits at 41,000. Taking into account the fact that it has been spreading like wildfire throughout the world, why isn’t the death toll orders of magnitude higher? We’ve been treated to apocalypticism for weeks now, but the apocalypse itself has failed to arrive. Instead, world governments have preempted a virus apocalypse by engineering an economic apocalypse, something far deadlier and destructive than any virus could cause. Once the hysteria subsides, and the propaganda fails to take, we’ll realize that we’ve just lived through one of the greatest mass panics in world history. A baseless panic that caused almost total economic collapse, and inflicting devastation upon millions of the world’s poorest. One task must be seen to the end, though: we must not allow the Political Class write the history of the Mass Panic of 2020. This event will feature prominently in history books for centuries to come; the truth, not the propaganda, must survive.

Author: S. Smith