Guthrie and Altus mandate face masks in public

Madness is taking hold of city councils.

Not to be out-done, Altus has implemented face masks AND a curfew.

Once this insanity subsides, if it ever does, something needs to be done about local governments’ ability to seize authoritarian powers almost overnight. Mayors across the nation have begun behaving like tinpot dictators, throwing people out of work, and acting as if they can make any demand of their community that they desire. A step in the right direction might be to toss out all the various “health officials” that are always at the ear of these mayors, whispering Doomsday scenarios, projected death tolls, and then stepping back and allowing the fear to palsy the official’s judgment. But these “health authorities” are doing the bidding of an official narrative handed down to them. We must begin electing leaders with the character to withstand this type of insidious infiltration of our communities.

Author: S. Smith