It’s time to worry about the US food supply

Smithfield is shuttering its large pork processing plant.

The pork industry itself is facing a $5 billion loss, and farmers may begin euthanizing their livestock.

The government-created economic crisis has led to farmers dumping milk and eggs, and plowing vegetables under.

I wonder if the politicians responsible for the economic collapse believe that Santa Claus stocks the grocery stores every night? That’s the only explanation for their complete indifference to the consequences of their actions for the food security of this country.

If we begin showing up to the grocery store to find it empty, things will get very bad, very quickly. Everyone will stop talking about a virus as they wonder where their next meal will come from. We do not want to get to this point. If we do, there will be no reversing it.

Whatever happens, don’t blame it on coronavirus. This civilizational crisis that we are suffering through is a direct outcome of the policies of governors, mayors, and city councils, who’ve recklessly, dangerously, stupidly shut down the complex interwoven web of cooperation known as the market economy without a second thought.  They bear the blame for what has happened. If the lockdown policy continues and society eventually tears itself apart, they will bear the blame, not a virus.

Author: S. Smith