Where’s the military fly-over for the thousands of healthcare workers who lost their jobs?

So the military has concocted a ridiculous spectacle for the benefit of the public: a Blue Angels fly-over as tribute to healthcare workers “on the front line!”.  And as much as I love the Air Force’s shiny planes, I can think of better reasons to waste taxpayer millions.  What I want to know is this: where is the tribute to the 43,000 healthcare workers that lost their jobs due to the cancellation of every hospital procedure other than COVID-19? Where’s the tribute to the 140+ hospitals that have closed their doors due to this policy? Where’s the tribute to the 30 million Americans that found themselves unemployed over the past 6 weeks due to the reckless lock-downs?

The “hero” narrative is going to have a hard time standing on its own in the face of the facts. There are no heroes among what has happened, only victims.

Author: S. Smith