Where’s the military fly-over for the thousands of healthcare workers who lost their jobs?

So the military has concocted a ridiculous spectacle for the benefit of the public: a Blue Angels fly-over as tribute to healthcare workers “on the front line!”.  And as much as I love the Air Force’s shiny planes, I can think of better reasons to waste taxpayer millions.  What I want to know is this: where is the tribute to the 43,000 healthcare workers that lost their jobs due to the cancellation of every hospital procedure other than COVID-19? Where’s the tribute to the 140+ hospitals that have closed their doors due to this policy? Where’s the tribute to the 30 million Americans that found themselves unemployed over the past 6 weeks due to the reckless lock-downs?

The “hero” narrative is going to have a hard time standing on its own in the face of the facts. There are no heroes among what has happened, only victims.

Love of liberty and worship of police are forever incompatible

Within the pandemic fascistic state, the police become the de facto enforcers of every bizarre dictum handed down to them. Constitutional or not, police have made it clear that they are willing and able to carry out these totalitarian orders. Arrest a pastor for giving a sermon in his own church? Collect license plate numbers of church attendees? Bust up peaceful social gatherings? Arrest business owners for operating during lock-downs? There is much, much more. And the cops will do all of it.

I’ve never understood the culture of cop worship that permeates conservative circles. It’s always appeared to be a projection of what they hope police really are, rather than what they actually are. Cop worshipers want to believe in the inherent goodness of the person wearing the badge, and then they make themselves believe it. And many, if not most, cops are good. But their paycheck is tied to how well they obey orders, and not many will risk that paycheck in order to martyr themselves for the Constitution. Police are the armed agents of the State. They’re paid by the State, and take orders from the State. Many are good, many are bad. But even the best are only as good as the diktats they are compelled to enforce. They are not paid to protect your liberty from their employer. And if their paycheck depends on violating your liberty, what do you think they’ll choose?

Moral of the story: not only are the cops not coming to save us, they are the ones who will implement totalitarianism at the ground-level. They will be the ones to confiscate weapons, arrest and imprison dissidents (or shoot them), harass and intimidate job owners, etc. This type of work is in their job description. It is their essential function.

When totalitarianism arrives at your doorstep, it won’t be Nancy Pelosi demanding your papers. It won’t be “the libs”, or the local DNC chapter. It will be the armed enforcers of the State. It will be the cops.

Psychotic teacher wishes a “long, painful death” upon kids in a public park

This is apparently a New Jersey math teacher named Nicole Griggs, experiencing a complete psychotic break over a few kids walking through a park during the coronavirus hysteria. This is the golden age of authoritarian busybodies.

Still think genocidal fascism can’t happen here? Listen to the murderous authoritarian unmasked and on tape. There it is, walking it’s dog through a non-descript neighborhood in the year 2020, awaiting it’s chance to gain power and unleash Hell on Earth. How many others are now walking around with that inside them?

“They don’t have the right to object”: NY gov. Cuomo forced his state’s nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients

What in god’s name.

Also, Patients were sent to Queens nursing home complete with their own body bags

If there has been one true front line of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s nursing homes. In a just world, nursing homes, as well as other long-term care facilities, would have received priority for protection. Instead, the world locked down, and scum like Cuomo belly-ached over lack of funding while funneling infected patients to the one institution most at risk for an enormous death toll.

This…is pure insanity, and a criminal act on the part of the governor.

Sweden’s success refutes the pandemic totalitarians

Sweden never locked down. Her citizens were treated like the adults they are, and trusted to do the right thing if they found themselves sick, or were at-risk for infection. Their approach worked far better than the lock-down totalitarianism experienced in the supposedly free United States. Their economy hasn’t been decimated, and millions aren’t dying. Sweden’s example is the knock-out blow to the lock-down rationale, as well as to the designs of the would-be ‘New Normal’ authoritarians that have popped up like mushrooms over the past 6 weeks.

Thousands of protesters swarm Wisconsin capitol to voice their opposition to state lock-down policies

It’s Bastille Day at the Wisconsin state capitol, and the citizens have grown tired of their overnight incarceration, and so arrived by the thousands to register a complaint.

“Fight safety Nazis!” reads a sign at the Wisconsin rally, which really articulates how we are all beginning to feel about the sterile busybodies that have emerged from the bureaucratic woodwork to nose their way into our personal lives and bark their arbitrary orders. Is anyone really afraid of the virus anymore? Would any of us have even known it were here if the current dubious method of testing had never started? We know the answer. We want to go back to work, to go back to our lives, and forget that this lock-down nightmare ever happened.

Hospitals have a huge financial incentive to inflate COVID-19 deaths, place patients on ventilators

USA Today fact-checked the claim being made about hospitals getting paid more for patients listed as COVID-19, and three times as much if that patient needs a ventilator, and found it to be true.

I wonder how many were placed on a ventilator unnecessarily and wound up dying as a result? If so, it’s another massive scandal brewing. From this Time article:

“Generally speaking, 40% to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress die while on ventilators, experts say. But 80% or more of coronavirus patients placed on the machines in New York City have died, state and city officials say.”

The term ‘ventilator’ itself doesn’t convey what actually occurs when a patient is made to use it. The patient must first be put into a medically-induced coma. Next, a breathing tube is inserted into the lungs. Patients are kept in this comatose state for weeks at a time. Could you imagine being stuck inside a hospital with doctors and administrators with an enormous financial incentive to list you as a COVID-19 patient and then force you into a weeks’-long coma on a machine that could very well kill you? Has that been happening in hospitals in NYC?

43,000 U.S. healthcare workers laid off in a single month

The apocalyptic crisis in healthcare currently unfolding is unbelievably tragic, but entirely self-inflicted. Coronavirus didn’t cause these workers to lose their jobs, or the hundreds of hospitals to close. It was the government response that has decimated U.S. healthcare in less than two months’ time. By prohibiting every procedure other than COVID-19 treatment, government at every level accomplished what no virus ever could. Hospitals across the country have been almost completely empty as a result of this policy, a fact that the mainstream media is finally acknowledging after weeks of branding everyone that mentioned it a conspiracy theorist. Thousands of cancer patients have been forced to to wait in agony as their scheduled treatments were cancelled. Organ transplants were cancelled as well, all in anticipation of a COVID-19 surge that never occurred.

This has to be the most ghoulish, inhumane, and criminal public policy in my lifetime. Will anyone stand trial? Doubtful, and blame will be passed around like a hot potato until the public loses interest. This is an outrage.