Even the CDC now admits that COVID-19’s mortality rate is less than 0.3%

Very informative piece at Reason.

For everyone under 50, the mortality rate plummets to a mere 0.05%.

We have to immediately admit that we were duped, by both bad data and irresponsible “experts”, and reopen everything exactly as it was before. There also must be safeguards put in place that prevents local, state, and national politicians from assuming dictatorial power over their local communities. The devastation wrought by these politicians has been incalculable. The lives ruined, the millions of people suddenly thrown into abject poverty, the severed economic links, the overnight rise of an American Police State, the paralyzing mass hysteria, all of this was the price we paid for lies and half-truths. Lies that the corporate media willingly conveyed and embellished.  None of this was worth it, and we should admit it.

Author: S. Smith