Minnesota cops were taught dangerous restraint techniques and “anti-terror tactics” by Israeli cops

Why are U.S. cops receiving training from a foreign power?  The U.S. is nothing like Israel. Their values are not something our police should aspire to emulate. Israel is an Apartheid State, and one can imagine that these tactics they’ve developed were not meant to be used on ethnic Israelis, but rather Palestinians and other minorities. So, another point to add to the list of police reforms is: Absolutely no training from a foreign power.

Tucker Carlson on the ominous rise of a new political force

Remarkable segment from Tucker. Out of the self-inflicted chaos and destruction of COVID lockdowns comes a new political force, rapidly building strength and momentum. And the speed with which not only the Political Class, but just about anyone afraid of being branded a racist, are prostrating themselves before this phenomenon gives us a glimpse of just how powerful this political force will be in the coming months, for good or bad.

The lunatic mob brings nihilism and the total State, nothing more

It’s both sickening and ominous to witness political leaders acquiesce to the violent mobs that have sprung up shortly after George Floyd’s murder. Watching politicians march with them, even ordering the police to not interfere even when the lives and livelihoods of other innocents are in danger, is an outrage. While there are members of the protests that appear to be voicing coherent demands for much-needed policy change, for the most part they are drowned out by the cacophony of the teeming throng that surrounds them. What we’re witnessing though is the lockdown-scattered napalm finally being lit. And ironically the ones getting burned are those that also suffered the most through the COVID police state.

The rage was already there, the anger, the social chaos awaiting its moment to vent. Is all this really about George Floyd? His murder was horrible, but so have been the many others who have died at the hands of police. Why isn’t Breonna Taylor’s death receiving the amount of attention and outrage that Floyd’s has? Taylor, a nurse, was gunned down in her own apartment while she slept by cops shooting wildly through a dark apartment.

Would the mobs and demonstrators even care about Floyd if his death hadn’t been reported continuously by the corporate media? We know the answer. This appears to be Act 2 of a propaganda wave designed to sow chaos. And we know from Jimmy Dore, as well as our recent experience with the coronavirus hoax, that chaos benefits the powerful. The protesters are, unfortunately, being used as unwitting tools to achieve the necessary level of chaos.

A mob wants nothing other than destruction. There is no appeasing it, there is no reasoning with it. It is an atavistic resurgence and release of primitive drives, mindless and instinctual. But the entire Political Class, along with celebrities, athletes, actors, socialites, and virtually everyone in the public eye are bowing before this rapidly coalescing political juggernaut, and in almost the same way as they bowed before the coronavirus narrative. Most people were to afraid to question that narrative, just as they are now too afraid to question the narrative of the riots. What comes next?

Coronavirus hysteria being used as excuse to transform schools into mini surveillance states

From Wired:

“A small but growing surveillance industry has sprung up around Covid already, with firms pitching everything from temperature-tracking infrared cameras and contact tracing apps to wireless beacons and smart cameras to help enforce social distancing at work. “It’s been one of the most disturbing parts of this,” says Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project.

Now, Cahn says, this cottage industry is keen to find a way into classrooms. “One of the things that will be a huge profit driver, potentially, is that younger children would need specially designed devices if they don’t have smartphones,” he says.”


What real police reform would look like

Forbid local police departments from receiving military-grade equipment via the Pentagon’s 1033 program.

Remove qualified immunity. If a cop beats you up, kills your dog, kills a family member or friend, or otherwise violates your rights, you should be able to sue them.

Strip them of their ability to unionize. Cop unions protect bad cops. In fact, take away the ability to unionize from every public employee.

Establish independent review boards to investigate police misconduct. No more “internal investigations”.

Standardize punishment for failing to activate body cameras during encounters with the public.

Stop training cops to believe that they are in a war zone. They’re not. But if they’re trained to think they are, they’ll act like it, and the innocent will suffer.

A firewall immediately placed between local departments and outside funding. Police departments must be funded by the community they patrol. Outside funding is the poison that corrupts everything.

Not every cop needs a gun. Nor does every cop needs to be a walking avatar of the surveillance State. Cops again need to be a part of their community, and given wide latitude for friendly, peaceful interaction with the public. They need to build trust but being allowed to be a human being.

And finally, and probably most importantly, stop supporting the growth of government. Libertarians are often ridiculed for their opposition to “big government”. But what they mean is the continuous creation of new laws and regulations that place greater numbers of the most vulnerable people in conflict with the police. Because who do you think has to enforce all those laws? The cops. And more laws means more unpleasant encounters between citizens and cops. Live and let live. Legalize every voluntary interaction and exchange. Hostile interactions between the people and the cops would plummet to a zero point.


All of this is simple and direct. It doesn’t even require the color of one’s skin to be brought into the picture at all. No need for trillions of dollars spending on “initiatives”. It would probably be far cheaper than the racket operating openly today. No need to needlessly and dangerously sow racial division. No need for never-ending discussions of “white guilt”. It would be bipartisan. What thinking person would fail to support the above points?

Many of the protesters have their hearts in the right place, and genuinely desire to see positive change. But my prediction is that the riots will discredit the message of the protesters, who will lose credibility, and then be subsumed within the Democratic Party, who will never meaningfully fulfill the goal of true institutional change within law enforcement. The former protesters will grow cynical, and the dream of real change will be lost.

New study: Unvaccinated children healthier than vaccinated

From the article:

“The study was based on medical records of over 2000 children born between November 2005 and June 2015. The study followed children continuously for a minimum of 3 years from birth. Vaccination status was determined based on any vaccination received prior to one year of age which yielded 30.9% of the children in the unvaccinated group. Results show that vaccination before one year of age led to significantly increased odds of medical diagnoses of developmental delays, asthma and ear infections in children.

In a separate analysis, children receiving more vaccines by one year of age were more likely to be diagnosed with gastrointestinal disorders compared to those who received no vaccines within the same timeframe. In temporal analyses, children vaccinated prior to six months of age showed significant risks of each of the disorders studied as compared to unvaccinated children.”

ER visits have fallen 42% compared to this time last year

From The Hill.

Thanks to reckless news media headlines and reports, hundreds of thousands of Americans, if not millions, were too afraid to visit the hospital during the past few months, believing that they would contract a deadly virus.This cost of unnecessarily frightening the public with COVID lies is incalculable, and the damage will far outpace deaths and hospitalizations from COVID-19.