Weekend Links

Half of COVID deaths are occurring in nursing homes, and yet this. There’s something seriously wrong with this person: Michigan gov. Whitmer vetoes bill that would have prevented nursing homes from accepting COVID-positive patients

Has Sweden achieved COVID herd immunity? Sweden never implemented lockdowns, and now its COVID cases are plummeting. Americans have heard more about Sweden during the past few months than they ever will again in their lives. The Nordic countries, who refused to succumb to the hysteria, have almost become an Axis of Evil in the eyes of Pharma and the COVID cultists. Sweden understands that COVID-19 is its own vaccine. Nothing out of a lab will achieve anything close to the immunity that a natural infection will.

This type of nauseating melodrama is the norm for unions: Iowa teachers write and send their own obituaries to Governor ahead of fall reopenings. If they don’t want to work, they should be replaced by people who do. There are multitudes who would rush in to take these jobs. The schools should fire the hypochondriacs and hire mentally balanced professionals. Of course, these teachers aren’t actually afraid of falling ill. This is a grift, cooked up by union thugs to continue draining taxpayers for what amounts to welfare.

The hero we needed, but probably not the one we deserved: Tulsi Gabbard passes amendment to military budget that forces President to collect and publicly report impact of US sanctions She wants to know how many children are dying as a direct result of US sanctions worldwide.

The elite are desperately trying to keep the Official Narrative from unraveling. Which means we’ll be seeing many more articles like this: You must not ‘do your own research’ when it comes to science. Hey, I agree. I listen to scientists. So really the problem boils down to which scientists to listen to. But if you aren’t a scientist, then by the logic of this article, you don’t even have the ability to decide which ones to listen to, regardless of the side of debate they’re on. Of course, the true intent is “You must listen only to scientists that I pick!” Meaning, the establishment. Meaning also, the scientists chosen by Forbes’ advertisers. And Forbes’ advertisers are the same ones that fill the coffers of every other corporate news outlet.

Facts, news, history, and common sense, are not the exclusive purview of the Credentialed Class. We don’t need a PhD or a medical degree to understand that COVID poses very little risk to the vast majority of us, or that a COVID RNA vaccine could be incredibly dangerous to millions. Orders of magnitude more dangerous that a wild COVID infection.

Wisdom from Albert Jay Nock

From his essay, Prohibition and Civilization:

“The principle of prohibition is extended to cover an endless range of conduct (though, significantly, drink is exempt). The home scheme of social fife is ordered with excellent and obvious rationality, but it is devoid of charm, it has no savor, and all its reasonableness cannot make up for the deficiency, cannot make the normal spirit really enjoy it. One feels the same restlessness and perverseness under it that William James declared he felt under the regime at Chautauqua. One doubts whether such smooth-running social order is worth having at the price. I remember some years ago, after a long time spent in observing the ghastly perfections of German municipal machinery, I came home ready to rejoice in the most corrupt, ring-ridden and disreputable city government that I could find in America, if only I might draw a free breath once more and forget the infinity of things that are verboten…

…he advocates of prohibition ought to get a clear grasp of the fundamental objection to their theory, and meet it with something more substantial than feeble talk about the influence of “the liquor interests.” Our objection is to Puritanism, with its false social theory taking shape in a civilization that, however well-ordered and economically prosperous, is hideous and suffocating. One can at least speak for oneself: I am an absolute teetotaler, and it would make no difference to me if there were never another drop of liquor in the world; and yet to live under any regime of prohibition that I have so far had opportunity to observe would seem to me an appalling calamity. The ideals and instruments of Puritanism are simply unworthy of a free people, and, being unworthy, are soon found intolerable. Its hatreds, fanaticisms, inaccessibility to ideas; its inflamed and cancerous interest in the personal conduct of others; its hysterical disregard of personal rights; its pure faith in force, and above all, its tyrannical imposition of its own Kultur: these characterize and animate a civilization that the general experience of mankind at once condemns as impossible, and as hateful as it is impossible.“

This of course also applies to the COVID cultists, who are perplexed as to why all of society doesn’t immediately submit to their authoritarian vision of a hypochondriac police state. Life simply would not be worth living among the ice-covered landscape of a perfectly-ordered, totalitarian nightmare.


Unbelievable censorship: Twitter suspends Breitbart News for reporting on doc news conference

The tech giants are working in unison to suppress any news and opinion that runs contrary to the Official COVID Narrative. Breitbart News, which has over 1 million followers on Twitter, has been suspended from the platform for posting their video reporting of the press conference held by the White Coat Summit doctors.

To repeat: Twitter has suspended a news organization for doing what all journalists are supposed to be doing: reporting the news. In this particular instance, reporting on relevant news: the viewpoints of medical professionals who happen to hold a viewpoint at odds with the Official Narrative. Twitter is resorting to suppression of news, meaning that they are actively engaged in editorial work, which means that their status of a platform must be immediately revoked, exposing them to lawsuits.

Censorship, and the demand for it, is an admission of defeat in any debate. It is an admission that the Political Class has lost the war of ideas, and can only resort to the barrel of a gun to “win”. It’s the behavior of intellectually bankrupt thugs.

Is Fauci the Dick Cheney of the War on Virus?

Five months into this bogus pandemic, and we are fast slipping into parody as is evident with the latest suggestion from Anthony Fauci: wear face shields! Wear goggles! As Ron Paul asked earlier today, “What’s next, space suits?” This rivals the great hysterias from the equally bogus War on Terror, when random empty suits from Boing or Lockheed Martin would appear on television to warn about some obscure and dangerous terrorist threat. There never was a threat, but the suits knew that people would believe it regardless. Their stock prices jumped at every new fake threat, and these grifters enriched themselves off the fear. The War on Terror was a racket built upon lies. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Middle Easterners paid the ultimate price for that fear-fueled war. Millions more had to abandon their homes, their countries, and their way of life, as our own government, armed with the latest weaponry, fired wildly at various targets, killing thousands of innocents.

Now Americans get to experience firsthand the nightmare that ensues when their own government declares “war” on a will’o the wisp non-existent threat. We will all be caught in the crossfire. Indeed, we already have. Just think about it, what foreign enemy could have inflicted the amount of damage that our own government has done, in just four months? Our government might as well have just made that plain up front: we are going to wage an apocalyptic war on our own economy. “Those sanctions we placed on Iran and Venezuela? They’ve got nothing on what we’re going to do to ourselves. BRACE YOURSELF.“

So what is Fauci’s place in this charade? Is he Cheney? Bush? Colin Powell? Or maybe just a self-mythologizing fraud, a clown, a towering vanity that is falling to earth much too fast. He’ll publish numerous books on the COVID scam, eager to squeeze a few more bucks out of the economy that he played a major role in destroying.

(The phrase, ‘self-mythologizing’, comes from the late libertarian literary colossus, Will Grigg)

Scenes from the self-inflicted apocalypse: 30 million Americans went hungry last week

According to a recent Census Bureau survey, close to 30 million US citizens reported that they didn’t have enough food last week.

I’d really like someone to explain something to me: how many non-COVID lives equals one COVID life? How many non-COVID Americans should be sacrificed for a single COVID life? 30? 100? I’d really like to know the calculus in play here.

Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch: Fauci waging “misinformation campaign” against HCQ

Just The News:

“Risch, a professor of epidemiology and the director of Yale’s Molecular Cancer Epidemiology Laboratory, has been pushing for the drug’s use in the fight against the coronavirus for months. Last week in a Newsweek op-ed he called HCQ “the key to defeating COVID-19,” claiming its use — particularly when administered with one of two antibiotics and the nutritional supplement zinc — has been “shown to be highly effective” in treating high-risk coronavirus patients. 

On Tuesday, Risch went further, charging in an interview with Just the News that Fauci is perpetrating a “misinformation campaign” in his opposition to the drug.”

It appears that the entire campaign against hydroxychloroquine is driven by the fact that Trump has endorsed its use to treat COVID-19. So even if it saves lives, our infantile corporate media and Political Class opposes it, because their hate for Trump overrides their concern for COVID patients. Of course, they also oppose it because it’s cheap and effective, and fortunes can’t be made off of it by their advertisers.

The destructive power of the “midwit”

Tom Woods gave a great talk recently at Mises University, wherein he explains the tragedy of the lockdowns. One thing he mentioned that I found fascinating is the phenomenon of the “midwit”, a term he says originated from Michael Malice.

The ‘midwit’ is smarter than a ‘dimwit’, but unable to think on their own, or hold any independently-arrived at opinion. Because of this, they become perfect receptacles and vectors for whatever propaganda is being pushed by the Political Class. You know these people, they’re everywhere. They have an uncanny, natural aptitude for learning all the correct opinions, even all the lingo and jargon, that are held by the powerful among the media, government, industry, and the medical professions. Once they’ve been programmed, these people spread this propaganda in the most effective of ways. They reproduce the propaganda perfectly in daily conversation, using the same lingo as the “experts” from whom they first heard it. And in the midst of COVID madness, the midwit truly shines. They began spreading lockdown propaganda immediately, parroting it on social media, and everywhere else they could. They spread the fear and paranoia, and did so with no critical reflection whatsoever. You’ve encountered these people. It’s impossible to talk to them, debate their opinions, or even attempt to change their minds. They are immune to alternative points of view, and of course they have self-programmed into reflexively labelling alternative opinions as “conspiracy theories”. They drive establishment narratives, and robotically attack any dissenting voices in swarms.  The ‘midwit’ is usually college-educated, and might even hold an upper middle class career. Looking closely, you can see that their entire lives are merely a reflection of the views and opinions of others, of establishment culture. Their lives are not their own, and neither are their opinions. They are capable of great destruction.