Is Fauci the Dick Cheney of the War on Virus?

Five months into this bogus pandemic, and we are fast slipping into parody as is evident with the latest suggestion from Anthony Fauci: wear face shields! Wear goggles! As Ron Paul asked earlier today, “What’s next, space suits?” This rivals the great hysterias from the equally bogus War on Terror, when random empty suits from Boing or Lockheed Martin would appear on television to warn about some obscure and dangerous terrorist threat. There never was a threat, but the suits knew that people would believe it regardless. Their stock prices jumped at every new fake threat, and these grifters enriched themselves off the fear. The War on Terror was a racket built upon lies. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Middle Easterners paid the ultimate price for that fear-fueled war. Millions more had to abandon their homes, their countries, and their way of life, as our own government, armed with the latest weaponry, fired wildly at various targets, killing thousands of innocents.

Now Americans get to experience firsthand the nightmare that ensues when their own government declares “war” on a will’o the wisp non-existent threat. We will all be caught in the crossfire. Indeed, we already have. Just think about it, what foreign enemy could have inflicted the amount of damage that our own government has done, in just four months? Our government might as well have just made that plain up front: we are going to wage an apocalyptic war on our own economy. “Those sanctions we placed on Iran and Venezuela? They’ve got nothing on what we’re going to do to ourselves. BRACE YOURSELF.“

So what is Fauci’s place in this charade? Is he Cheney? Bush? Colin Powell? Or maybe just a self-mythologizing fraud, a clown, a towering vanity that is falling to earth much too fast. He’ll publish numerous books on the COVID scam, eager to squeeze a few more bucks out of the economy that he played a major role in destroying.

(The phrase, ‘self-mythologizing’, comes from the late libertarian literary colossus, Will Grigg)

Author: S. Smith