We knew this would happen: people who refuse to speak to contract tracers are being served subpoenas

Despite the rapidly falling mortality rate of the phantom illness, COVID-19, in the face of the rapidly/suspiciously rising infection rate (this thing is heading toward a ‘common cold’ level of danger), public officials and medical totalitarians are insisting that contact tracers continue their fool task of snooping into the personal lives of American citizens in order to follow the trajectory of COVID-19. Unsurprisingly, no one wants to talk to these federal snoops, and they don’t. Enough people have refused to speak to them that now New York county is issuing subpoenas to the non-compliant, with a $2000-a-day fine for continuing to refuse to talk to the COVID cops. We knew this would eventually happen, that the mask would come off and the pandemic thugs would finally brandish their club and issue their threats. But who really blames anyone for refusing to speak to these snoops, especially in such a locked-down police state like New York? I’m sure there exists a very real fear that COVID-positive individuals will be dragged from their homes and forcibly quarantined. It’s reasonable, considering everything that has already happened.

The tragedy of all of this is that every action the government is taking is utterly futile: we are on an express train straight to natural herd immunity no matter what the government does. We only have to step back and allow it to happen. Strangely, it’s reminded me of a scene from the film, Contact. The human race begins receiving blueprints for an alien vessel, which is quickly constructed. But since the blueprints didn’t include a seat for a human passenger, the scientists, in their hubris, put their own. When Jodie Foster’s character enters the craft and “takes flight”, the seat violently rattles and shakes. She releases herself from the seat moments before it detaches and is destroyed by the vessel itself. Not only did she not need the seat, the seat itself was a clear danger to her life, despite offering an illusion of safety. She floated peacefully after freeing herself.

We have to free ourself from this vain and destructive impulse to control the social world. Let the powerful, positive social forces run free, we have nothing to fear except our own primitive urge to resist those forces. Remove all control and allow the virus to naturally spread, building an impenetrable immunity barrier, thereby protecting us as well as future generations.

COVID-19 is its own vaccine. We should prefer nature’s inoculation over the Frankenstein shot we’re being primed to accept in the near future.

Tucker Carlson’s show is highest-rate in cable news history

This is more evidence that there are two Americas existing side-by-side: the vocal, in-your-face one that we hear from constantly, with both corporate and government backing, and the silent America, which we haven’t heard from too much, but is currently bubbling and boiling beneath the surface. This America has been slurred endlessly, and has been systematically disenfranchised, ostracized, deplatformed, alienated, and silenced. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t still there, getting angrier by the day. They watch Tucker nightly, and they’ll vote overwhelmingly for Trump, but their real champion is just up the road a ways. He or she will be the American Bolsonaro, or worse, the American Duterte, and this person will ride the cresting wave of the inevitable counter-reaction. Only then will true populist totalitarianism arrive in the United States. This could be avoided, if only the mobs were handled appropriately and every COVID public policy were scrapped. But this won’t happen. And so we’re in for the true death of liberty the United States.

Doctors caught issuing ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders for COVID patients with mental disabilities

From Forbes:

A more insidious practice has also been brought to light in which some doctors have been placing unlawful DNR orders on the records of individuals with learning disabilities without prior consultation with the person’s family or carers.

Turning Point, a social enterprise providing health and social care services across over 300 locations in the U.K., along with Learning Disability England, responded earlier this month by producing a new information pack to educate parents and carers about DNR orders and the steps they can take to challenge them…

…In the U.S., several states including Tennessee, Washington, Kansas Pennsylvania and New York have issued protocols deprioritizing the treatment of disabled people in the event of scarce medical resources. 

Additionally, Alabama was compelled in April by the Office for Civil Rights to abandon its crisis management policy of “denying ventilator services to individuals based on the presence of intellectual disabilities, including ‘profound mental retardation’ and ‘moderate to severe dementia.“