Tucker Carlson’s show is highest-rate in cable news history

This is more evidence that there are two Americas existing side-by-side: the vocal, in-your-face one that we hear from constantly, with both corporate and government backing, and the silent America, which we haven’t heard from too much, but is currently bubbling and boiling beneath the surface. This America has been slurred endlessly, and has been systematically disenfranchised, ostracized, deplatformed, alienated, and silenced. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t still there, getting angrier by the day. They watch Tucker nightly, and they’ll vote overwhelmingly for Trump, but their real champion is just up the road a ways. He or she will be the American Bolsonaro, or worse, the American Duterte, and this person will ride the cresting wave of the inevitable counter-reaction. Only then will true populist totalitarianism arrive in the United States. This could be avoided, if only the mobs were handled appropriately and every COVID public policy were scrapped. But this won’t happen. And so we’re in for the true death of liberty the United States.

Author: S. Smith