Norman falls to the mask cult

Mandatory mask edict issued by giddily authoritarian city council, to be reviewed in November.

Group of concerned Norman residents, Unite Norman, will file a petition to recall mayor Clark, along with the city council itself, over their outrageous handling of COVID hysteria.

I could better understand the attitude behind mask mandates if they occurred back at the end of March. But now, after we’ve learned so much of COVID’s mildness, there’s no excuse. Will these mandates be used to force a vaccine upon a population that would otherwise never be injected? Most people would only take the vaccine if they had something to gain, which would be the prospect of being freed from mask wearing.

Masks, and the pandemic itself, are increasingly becoming a form of theater utterly detached from reality. Many people, too many, have developed a psychological dependence on engaging in it, and so they ignore reality and continue to believe that COVID-19 is some kind of risk that deserves a unique amount of attention. It doesn’t. Deaths are falling even as positive cases are rising. This indicates that we are heading straight for natural herd immunity, which one would think would be a fact celebrated by all those who supposedly care about the health of the population. Rather than wait around for a dangerous and ineffective RNA vaccine, greater numbers of US citizens are being inoculated daily with the most effective COVID-19 vaccine we’ll ever encounter: COVID itself. The pandemic is over, but our political leaders are still capable of doing an enormous amount of damage before they’ll admit that fact. They’d prefer to force us to take part in a pandemic farce for years.

Author: S. Smith