If your job can be performed from home, can’t it also be outsourced?

Employment that doesn’t require you to be physically present means that it could be completed from anywhere in the world, by anyone in the world. And how much of it can be automated? As the public is browbeaten into silence over the ethical and scientific wisdom of COVID lockdown policy, it also silences criticism from an economics standpoint. This criticism must be taken into account, but the people for whom staying home is an option refuse to listen. The people that don’t have the luxury of staying at home, who exist somewhere on the bottom half of the economic ladder, are never allowed to voice an opinion about their predicament, even though they are bearing the full-bore brunt of the chaotic lockdowns. These tens of millions have so far been silent, and will continue to be the ones dying on the beach of this economic war.

The question, though, is how much abuse can 50 million of the most vulnerable people of a nation endure before they take the whip away?

Author: S. Smith