Lockdown-caused supply-chain disruptions are driving increased mortality from other infectious diseases

People, for the most part, are only aware of aspects of reality that their television reports on. Which translates into: not much at all. And what little news they receive is so distorted through the corporate filter that it could be said to be absolutely meaningless. The TV watchers know that COVID-19 exists, and that they must fear it to the exclusion of all else. But they aren’t aware of the tragically high cost of consenting to the COVID policy response. Unemployment, homelessness, skyrocketing overdose deaths, mass eviction…but also the resurgence of many deadly infectious diseases that authorities had begun to get a handle on.

Deaths from tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV have skyrocketed, as COVID hysteria disrupts supply chains around the world. Drugs and treatments are much more difficult to come by for these infections. Ironically, infections far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself.

But no one cares, because their TV doesn’t tell them to care. And they are willing to allow the destruction of the modern world in a vain effort to quell their fear.

The relentless propaganda is playing the masses like a fiddle. The media has their finger on the emotional dial of the public, and the public, utterly helpless in the face of this masterpiece of emotional manipulation, is unable to break themselves free.

Many will needlessly die because of this.

Author: S. Smith