COVID hysteria is the greatest enemy the U.S. has ever faced

Isn’t it amazing how much more destruction can be wrought at the hands of our own leaders than could ever be inflicted by an external threat? 5 months into the madness, and I’m still amazed at the determination of so many members of my own species to mire themselves in the hysteria, apocalypticism, and hyperbolic fear surrounding COVID-19. Many appear to even resent the ever-emerging good news regarding the virus, almost as if they secretly hope the virus will live up to it’s killer reputation. Is this the Freudian ‘death drive’, or something much more primitive? I remain convinced that this persistent mindless hysteria is a submission to our anti-civilization instinct, our prehistoric, hunter-gatherer mind awakening inside far too many of our fellow neighbors and countrymen.

In the same way that our own government inflicted far greater harm in its response to 9/11 than the 9/11 attack itself, the COVID policy response has been orders of magnitude worse than any disease. But so few understand that fact.

We are the progenitors of our own extinction. Not some external threat, us. The COVID mass psychological event of 2020 is the fork in the road between a future of liberty, and the descent into darkness that is so familiar to the human race. These forks pop up from time to time in history, and we almost always take the path to tyranny and re-barbarization. But it’s not inevitable. We can throw off this latest incarnation of the religion of the total State, and reassert an adherence to liberty and personal autonomy. It has become clear that we cannot continue on the same path we’ve followed for the past half century. Corporatism, endless war, the rise of the Expert Class as a new religious Orthodoxy, the punitive Puritanism of the emerging politically correct Orthodoxy, these are all antithetical to the future of a free and flourishing civilization. The Political Class, along with their Praetorian Guard among the credentialed “experts”, must no longer be placed at the helm of public policy. Indeed, “public policy” should be scrapped altogether. We must be allowed to shape our own destiny, free from the designs of those who control government. What we need is a new constitution, articulating a new absolute limit on the power of the politicians and bureaucrats to intervene in our lives. We need a new reassertion of our rights as free citizens, a new Declaration. The intellectual foundations of liberty must be renewed and reasserted.

Author: S. Smith