Lockdown Rebellion 2020: South Korea Edition

Though you wouldn’t know it from watching the major news networks, South Koreans are protesting lockdown restrictions by the tens of thousands.

The pod people reporting the news on television want you to think that only Trump voters would ever consider protesting the destruction of society under the guise of “slowing the spread”. Germans have had it as well with the lockdown scam, and showed up by the hundreds of thousands earlier this month at a Berlin protest.

Where are the mass acts of civil disobedience in California, New York, or any of the other wasteland states? The rebirth of liberty probably won’t happen here. The next Thomas Jefferson might be Korean, German, Danish, but more than likely not American. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been dumped into libertarian organizations and “scholars”, most of whom you’ve never even heard a peep over the past five months regarding COVID totalitarianism. Shouldn’t they be standing shoulder to shoulder, emphatically denouncing this descend into authoritarian madness? And yet they don’t. But they’re happy to take the cash.

Author: S. Smith