New Zealand has no exit strategy in its war on COVID

How do New Zealand’s leaders think they’ll win their “war” on COVID?

COVID-positive citizens are currently being forcibly quarantined in hotels, guarded around the clock by military personnel. They don’t get to leave until they test negative. Some have pointed to the swanky digs as proof that its not as inhumane as it sounds. But forced imprisonment and isolation is about as totalitarian as a government can get. And as is the manner of all totalitarians, New Zealand has banned photography and video of the facilities. For the safety of the “guests”, of course.

The hotels will run out of room very soon. COVID-19 is extremely contagious, but also extremely mild. Cases in New Zealand will increase, just as they have everywhere. What happens when the hotels fill up? I’d bet a silver dollar that the internment camps are being built as I type. And they will be filled.

The “stop COVID at all costs” strategy will bring with it the highest of costs. Are New Zealand’s leaders really willing to force their citizens to pay up?

The War on COVID is a quagmire for all foolish enough to take it on.


A new, disgusting health risk of wearing a mask everyday: mouth fungus

Fevered acolytes of the mask cult won’t bother with this bit of news, but we who still retain our sanity should:

“As if “maskne” weren’t bad enough, there’s another skin problem to worry about during the COVID-19 pandemic: candida overgrowth. It’s basically a yeast infection around your mouth.”

The article dances around the obvious answer to mysterious red bumps and cracks around your mouth after wearing a mask for extended periods: “call your dermatologist”, and other idiocies. There is only one answer to this bottomless stupidity: STOP. WEARING. YOUR. MASK. They will destroy your health.


New Zealand begins forcibly quarantining COVID-positive citizens

Unbelievable news coming out of New Zealand:

All New Zealand’s confirmed COVID-19 cases to be put in quarantine facilities from now on

I’m assuming this also means children being separated from their parents. Wasn’t there an enormous commotion a few years back about the cruel inhumanity of separating children from parents?

The virus will never be stopped by avoiding it. Only by allowing it to spread through the non-vulnerable population will this crisis be put behind us. Instead, nations are sacrificing the human rights of their population in a futile effort. This strategy is very dangerous for another reason: at what point will they admit failure and allow life to return to normal? The longer the shutdowns and forced quarantines continue, the greater the economic and human toll will be. The excuse to keep it going will mirror the one used to justify extending the War on Terror: “If we cut and run now, all our previous sacrifices will have been in vain.” It’s a suicide pact. This is Jonestown, or Heaven’s Gate, writ large. The cost in innocent lives and ruined futures will be enormous.

What happens in someone tests positive for years on end? Will they effectively be imprisoned for life? The refusal to test the tests for accuracy (Using multiple tests on a single COVID-positive individual, sending those tests to separate labs, and comparing the results) means we have no idea what’s going on.

This is a case-demic. Cases are going up because the virus is spreading. That’s what a virus does. The fact that hospitalizations and deaths are falling while the cases rise should be seen as a victory. Instead, COVID has become a racket, and the Pharma Industrial Complex now wants their endless war.

Why don’t we hear about Wuhan anymore?

Why didn’t China react to COVID-19 the way we did? It began there, right? Why didn’t China have multiple New York-style outbreaks with a high death toll? Now we see that Wuhan is fully opened, and hosting massive pool parties, and check out that picture.

The question of why Wuhan has been back to normal for months now should alarm us all. What level of a psychological scam have we lived through? Not that anyone purposely designed a virus hoax, but that we all suddenly became a victim to a story about a virus. The story spread out of control, evolving, infecting everyone, controlling us.

What really happened in New York? The revelations, if they ever come, will be face-melters. They will dwarf every other crime committed by a US public official ever. Of course, we know that COVID patients were sent back to the nursing homes, an staggering act of evil. But there will be much more.

This is not to say that COVID-19 doesn’t exist. It’s to say that COVID wasn’t the true virus. The real destructive contagion has been the unbelievable mass fear and paranoia that has led to so much devastation.

The story of COVID-19 grew like a tumor in the minds of the public, short-circuiting any ability to think critically. And it is still there, rotting the brains of your neighbors, hand on the paranoia dial. Many will never recover. For them, the world has become a germ-infested nightmare. They’ll never see it the same again.

Lockdown Rebellion 2020: South Korea Edition

Though you wouldn’t know it from watching the major news networks, South Koreans are protesting lockdown restrictions by the tens of thousands.

The pod people reporting the news on television want you to think that only Trump voters would ever consider protesting the destruction of society under the guise of “slowing the spread”. Germans have had it as well with the lockdown scam, and showed up by the hundreds of thousands earlier this month at a Berlin protest.

Where are the mass acts of civil disobedience in California, New York, or any of the other wasteland states? The rebirth of liberty probably won’t happen here. The next Thomas Jefferson might be Korean, German, Danish, but more than likely not American. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been dumped into libertarian organizations and “scholars”, most of whom you’ve never even heard a peep over the past five months regarding COVID totalitarianism. Shouldn’t they be standing shoulder to shoulder, emphatically denouncing this descend into authoritarian madness? And yet they don’t. But they’re happy to take the cash.

3 out of 4 applications to leave country are denied in Australia

The People’s Republic of Australia is refusing almost all requests to leave their hellhole of a country.

Australians and New Zealanders are experiencing a true resurrection of the Total State. Leviathan has found its way back into the modern world, and how easy it was. All it needed was an emotional trigger, paranoia, and it was let out of its cage.