In the name of hysteria and pseudoscience, Israel will embark on the most authoritarian lockdown yet

Despite all the evidence that has emerged over the past 6 months that proves COVID-19 to be a mild/non-existent infection for over 99% of the population, several countries are doubling down on suicidal economic shutdowns and heavy-handed police state tactics. Australia has provided a grim look at the inevitable consequences of the political madness: journalists and activists arrested, women dragged out of their vehicles, police arresting and forcibly applying masks to faces, among other atrocities.

Now Israel, which has already undertaken the most intrusive lockdowns in the world, will now embark on another, even more intrusive, three-week lockdown.

As I said before, the only thing standing between us as a species at this point in time, and our ugly, prehistoric, demon-haunted world, is a modern, developed economy. Far too many people take this simple fact for granted. And, even more dangerously, those who aren’t affected by lockdowns in the short run are the ones providing the approval and consent for continuing the suicidal policy. By the time they are affected, it will be too late to reverse course.

This is civilizational suicide. It’s more than that, even. Our silent acquiescence is an affront to every nameless individual who sacrificed everything for the dream of civilization, the same civilization that we are allowing so carelessly to be burned to the ground. It’s an insult to the earliest among us who chose to walk upright, while their peers milled about on all fours in a mindless, pathetic state. It’s an insult to every single person who challenged the mindless herd, and who were in turn attacked by that same ignorant rabble. Whether exiled, imprisoned, or burned at the stake, these pioneers, who believed the human race could be something more than just one more prisoner of instinct in the natural world, we have to thank for bringing light to the long darkness that our species has been mired in for most of its history. That darkness is closing in again, and too few are standing in opposition.

Author: S. Smith