200 Moore students and staff quarantined after “exposure” to COVID-19

This is beyond pathetic. Notice the article doesn’t mention anything about any of the students or staff experiencing symptoms, nor the type of PCR test administered that produced the positive tests. More than likely it was the high-cycle test proven to produce a false positive up to 90% of the time. Which means that the entire quarantine/contact trace charade is for nothing.

We as a society must move on, and forget all about COVID-19. If it truly is here, then it’s here regardless of the actions we take. Fortunately, it poses no danger to children or healthy adults up to 65 and even beyond. It only poses a risk to those for whom the world was already filled with risks to their lives. If you’re at risk of COVID, there’s already a long line of threats waiting to do you in before COVID gets its hands on you.

We can’t help that it’s here, nothing really we can do. What we can do is cease feeding ourselves the same crap sandwich over and over ad infinitum.

If we weren’t inundated with fear porn every single waking moment over the virus, we wouldn’t even know it was here. It’s not the virus, it’s the story of the virus that is causing so much devastation. It is crucial that we realize this before we burn down everything we hold dear in some vain attempt to change that story.

Author: S. Smith