COVID hysteria has killed the arts

Sad but true article here: We’ve Completely Destroyed the Arts in America:

Everywhere you look, there’s artistic tragedy. An August survey indicated that 70 percent of America arts businesses had lost 75 percent or more of their revenue. In Charlottesville, Virginia, an arts pavilion sits empty, having hosted zero events in 2020. Its general manager encourages people to go for a walk instead, because it’s “free and healthy”. A Chicago Sun-Times feature about the Lifeline Theatre, a modest Chicago arts institution that I used to frequent when I lived there 20 years ago, says the theater is now producing “virtual plays” and staying alive by hosting small socially-distanced weddings.

The performing arts are completely gone. As far as I can tell, there seems to be no plan to bring them back, other than “wait for a vaccine.” The federal government isn’t exactly rushing to save the ballet from destruction, and our biggest cities and arts centers seem completely paralyzed. Los Angeles is reluctant to open playgrounds, much less theaters. New York City can barely bring itself to allow people to eat inside of restaurants. Thus, Broadway is dark until God knows when. The Metropolitan Opera has canceled its entire season. Vital cultural touchstones have moved online, a thin substitute.“


Author: S. Smith