Florida teen arrested at school for refusing to wear a mask

Deranged thugs arrest 16-year old for refusing to put mask back on. He has a previous medical history that includes anxiety attacks, and anyone with a functioning sense of compassion and empathy would realize that this isn’t the time for cops or arrests.

A note: the police are the ones enforcing these cruel authoritarian decrees. What do the cop-worshipers think about such incidents? They’ve always blindly defended every police action, so will they continue in their belief that police can do no wrong once the cops really begin enforcing COVID-ism? What will they think when one of these short-tempered cops deals out real violence on a minor for refusing to wear a mask? Police are the agents of the State. Their job depends on enforcing the decrees of the State. They won’t risk their career for your Constitutional rights. It’s important to realize this sooner rather than later.

Author: S. Smith