Society is backsliding: Vermont governor announces schools will interrogate children about Thanksgiving

Teachers and staff will demand to know whether students spent Thanksgiving only with their immediate family or with multiple households, and then require a two-week quarantine for those who did have multiple households present. This is unbelievably sick and tyrannical, and lacking in any basic human decency. This is what happens when government believes it owns you, when it believes itself to be master, not servant. We desperately need a new Bill of Rights, a fresh and aggressive reassertion of our rights in a free society, and government’s subservient role within it. There is no other peaceful way out of our current situation. Patchwork resolutions and impeachments of elected officials will not cut it. We need clear and absolute barriers that government must not be allowed to violate. We also need clear-cut criminal charges to be applied automatically for government officials that refuse to respect our rights. I cannot remember when a politician was ever charged and convicted in court for egregious violations of their citizens’ rights. This must change quickly.

Every local mayor and health official believes themselves to be completely beyond punishment, and they are behaving as such. As a result, decent people are being backed into a corner. This is an extremely dangerous situation, and must be resolved peacefully before it explodes.

Author: S. Smith